Our farm is included in the following measures within the Rural Development Program, from which we receive funds annually for their implementation:
Organic Farming (measure 11)
Objective: To encourage agricultural holdings to take up organic farming.
Description: Under this measure organic farming and conversion to organic farming are supported, because nature-friendly agricultural practices significantly contribute to the provision of public assets, in particular to the preservation and improvement of biotic diversity, the preservation of drinking water resources, soil fertility, cultivated agricultural land and to the protection of the environment in general.
Payments for areas with natural or other specific constraints (measure 13)
Objective: To preserve agricultural land and to further expand the cultivation of agricultural land, preserve the settlement of the countryside and provide public benefits in areas facing natural or other specific constraints (ANC areas).
Description: The support under measure 13 (ANC measure) is granted for the maintenance and further performance
of agricultural activities in ANC areas with relatively higher costs and loss of income (poorer
harvest) in comparison to farming outside these areas.
Link to the European Commission’s EAFRD website:
Link to the PRP website: